Sunday, April 22, 2007

Super Cool

Top Women think that cooling water to a temperature below its natural freezing point is so super cool! (Movie) Just sends shivers up our spines when we think of how easy Italian Ices could be made this summer.

And if you think that's super cool, imagine how absolute cool, as in 2 billion degrees Kelvin, ice can be when it's hotter than boiling water thanks to Sandia's Z machine. (More info is here.)

Previous related Wohba links:
Oh! Kaye Effect
Tide Ice
Vehicular Pinball
Fun With Liquid Nitrogen


MrHen. said...

How does that work? I do not know much about these sorts of things...

Topwomen said...

Adam, I hope this helps.

Efemerum said...


You should take a look at this
It is the best webpage about Myst and URU and it is the only one for the portuguese language community.
Lorna is from Brazil and she is doing an incredible and beautiful job about this.
Many hours of work. Telling you is my way of thanking her.

Regards from Portugal my friend.

Adianez aka Zenaida